Untitled (JPW3)
This book is in conjunction with the exhibit, “I drive and I think and I look, but I don’t know. Lanquidity,” by Patrick Walsh, as known as, JPW3 at Martos Gallery. Inspired by jazz musician Sun Ra’s 1978 album Liquidity, the exhibition’s title establishes a cosmic vocabulary that reverberates within each piece. An amber hue fills the gallery, evocative of heat and friction. Each piece seems to melt and emit an inherent mystical glow…repeated images of a hot plate, an extension chord and parts of Ferrari engines are symbols that yield an esoteric exploration of the travel of energy and the collaboration between man and machine. - Martos Gallery
The book follows these themes and colors, the pages mostly a warm, yellow hue with a cool, cobalt on either end. Providing a view into a workplace where art is made, in all its disorder and mess, the publication shows process, something traditionally hidden behind the clean, white walls of a gallery.