This work was produced as part of For the Unsettled World to Come, an intervention by Bilna’es with Yara Abbas, Nora Akawi, and Fawz Kabra. The project gathers illustrations and artworks made in the summer of 2021, during a period of mass rebellion in Palestine and abroad. As one of twenty-three posters in the series, these works call to globalize the intifada, making the Palestinian uprising one for all people struggling against entangled systems of oppression and dispossession. Read more
This poster was designed to accompany a letter from Palestine that was collaboratively written and signed by a great number of Palestinian artists, writers, and cultural workers. The letter was inspired by the most significant elements of what has unfolded in Palestine this year, and echoes the expression of a unified Palestinian voice in its struggle for decolonization and justice. It has been globally signed by 7000 artists, writers, musicians and cultural workers.