To make the work, I sourced a comment found under a video of someone crocheting a heart on youtube. I inserted this comment in the ASCII code of the image (ASCII is a character-encoding scheme based on the English alphabet). The algorithm of the software reads the intrusion (comment) as if it was part of the ASCII and changes the image accordingly. This glitch process adheres to the proper functioning of the computer system, but interjects data from a social & mediated system of communication. The image transforms into a lush landscape of semi-randomized pixels and colours.
In the resulting glitch image, I found a formation of pixels and extruded an elevation from the data found in each pixel’s HEX color code. Every pixel has a colour, every colour has a number - every number becomes a point of elevation in the topography of a formation of pixels. The 3D model produced from this process was printed using bioplastics.
What would have become part of a sweater was transferred into data and became a necklace.