Robida Collective
Location: Topolò (Udine), Italy

Robida is a collective that works at the intersection of written and spoken words – with Robida Magazine and Radio Robida – and spatial practices developed in relation to the village of Topolò/Topolove, where the collective is based.

Since 2015, the collective curates Robida Magazine, a multilingual cultural magazine, published once a year. The magazine explores different topics – such as abandonment, silence, the relation between domesticity and wildness etc. – which are connected to the place where the magazine comes to life, namely Topolò.

Beyond publishing, Robida hosts two community spaces, a physical one, Izba – a small coworking and hospitality space for people who are from or who come to Topolò, and an immaterial one, Radio Robida, dedicated to their global community.
