231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Dennis Adams, Helen Molesworth, Anna Novakov, Sarah Seager, Rick Valicenti, Jane Whicher, Pae White, Hirsch Farm Project, curator and Mitchell Kane
NonSpectacle and the Limitations of Popular Opinion
Currin, Green Kane, Mori, Rockman, Judie Bamber, John Currin, Gregory Green, Mariko Mori, Alexis Rockman, Mitchell Kane and Hirsch Farm Project
Tahiti: Contemporary Art in the Age of Uncertainty
Vincent Fecteau, Ben Kinmont, Elizabeth Peyton, Lincoln Tobier., Mitchell Kane and Hirsch Farm Project
World Tour 1997
Mitchell Kane
Conviviality: Flirtation, Displeasure and the Hospitable in the Vis.Arts
Stephan Dillemuth, Rhonda Lieberman, Christian Philipp Muller, J. Morgan Puett, Joe Scanlan, Jason Simon, Diana Thater and Mitchell Kane