New Arrivals and Notable Restocks - October

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  • Tense        Lucy Lippard, Jerry Kearns and Anne Turyn        Books / Artists’ Books        $29.00
  • 2 by 3 (does brutal)        Ivy Zheyu Chen        Editions / Prints        $30.00
  • The Chute Riso Ink Color Guide to Bacteria        Awkward Ladies Club        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Le Service        Philippe Weisbecker        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Goodbye, Dragon Inn        Nick Pinkerton        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • MARVEL        Marvel Harris        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • The Drag Explosion        Linda Simpson        Books / Monographs        $50.00
  • The Social Movement Archive        Jen Hoyer and Nora Almeida        Books / Monographs        $55.00
  • Eres mi amor bonito        Aguacero        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • How the World Swung to the Right        Francois Cusset        Books / Artists’ Writings        $14.00
  • Black Joy Archive First Edition Poster        Zoë Pulley        Editions / Prints        $25.00
  • Sangre de mi Sangre        Martha Naranjo Sandoval        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • Frutas        Martin Lowenstein        Editions / Prints        $18.00
  • I Am Famous on CCTV        Cory Feder        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • 7songs        Haejin Park        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Embroidered Wrestlers of the North        David Ellison        Books / Monographs        $41.00
  • Love Love Magazine                Periodicals / Zines        $20.00
  • The Amazing Kid Award Certificate        Xinmei Liu        Editions / Prints        $20.00
  1. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    2 by 3 (does brutal)
    Brooklyn, New York: UPON, 2021
  2. Lucy Lippard, Jerry Kearns and Anne Turyn
    Amsterdam, Netherlands: Kunstverein and Top Stories, 2021
  3. Awkward Ladies Club
    The Chute Riso Ink Color Guide to Bacteria
    Berkeley, CA: Awkward Ladies Club, 2021
    Out of stock
  4. Philippe Weisbecker
    Le Service
    Paris, France: Fotokino and Yvon Lambert Editions, 2020
    Out of stock
  5. Nick Pinkerton
    Goodbye, Dragon Inn
    Fireflies Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  6. Marvel Harris
    London, UK: MACK Books, 2021
  7. Linda Simpson
    The Drag Explosion
    New Haven, CT: Domain Books, 2020
    Out of stock
  8. Jen Hoyer and Nora Almeida
    The Social Movement Archive
    Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books and Library Juice Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  9. Aguacero
    Eres mi amor bonito
    Bogota, Colombia: N13BL4, 2021
    Out of stock
  10. Zoë Pulley
    Black Joy Archive First Edition Poster
    Brooklyn, NY: Secret Riso Club, 2020
    Out of stock
  11. Martha Naranjo Sandoval
    Sangre de mi Sangre
    Brooklyn/Mexico City, NY/Mexico: Matarile Ediciones, 2021
    Out of stock
  12. Martin Lowenstein
    Buenos Aires, Argentina: Humo Books, 2019
    Out of stock

  13. Love Love Magazine
    Paris, France: Love Love Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  14. Francois Cusset
    How the World Swung to the Right
    Semiotext(e), 2018
    Out of stock
  15. Cory Feder
    I Am Famous on CCTV
    Chicago, IL: Perfectly Acceptable Press, 2020
    Out of stock
  16. Haejin Park
    Chicago, IL: Perfectly Acceptable Press, 2018
    Out of stock
  17. David Ellison
    Embroidered Wrestlers of the North
    London, UK: Centrecentre, 2021
  18. Xinmei Liu
    The Amazing Kid Award Certificate
    Harrison, NJ: X. Liu, 2021
    Out of stock
Last updated 10/1/2021