Karen Lamassonne

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  • Parts of a Body House Book        Carolee Schneemann        Books / Artists’ Books        $750.00
  • The Adult Women Will Sit In Front of the Men and the Children and Young Adults Will Kneel In Front of the Women        Jonas Beuchert, Tilman Schlevogt and Jan Steinbach        Books        $8.00
  • Is It My Body?        Kim Gordon        Books / Monographs        $22.00
  • Labia Minora        Angelblood and Rita Ackermann        Audio & Video / CD        $12.00
  • Women Testing, 2017 [Framed Print]        Carmen Winant        PM Fundraising Editions / Prints        $400.00
  • Some Disordered Interior Geometries        Francesca Woodman        Books / Out of Print Books        $9.00
  • Instructional Photography         Carmen Winant        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • The Cindy Shermans I’d Like To Fuck        Brian Kennon        Books        $300.00
  • Service [second printing]        Martha Rosler        Books        $45.00
  • What They Saw: Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843–1999        Russet Lederman and Olga Yatskevich        Books / Monographs        $85.00
  • Facility Magazine        Erin Sheehy        Periodicals / Artists’ Writings        $15.00
  • This Must Be the Place: An Oral History of Latin American Artists in New York, 1965–1975        Aimé Iglesias Lukin        Books / Monographs        $35.00
  • Magazin Sursystem 3R        Marcelo Arroyave        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Memoria        Apichatpong Weerasethakul        Books / Monographs        $59.00
  • Verano Yakuza        Adriana Lozano        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • José Celestino Mutis: A Botanical Expedition        José Celestino Mutis                $39.00
  • Invisibilia         Oscar Muñoz                $40.00
  • Topo Graphic        Claudia de la Torre        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Nos estan matando         Herikita        Posters / Prints        $30.00
  • Sangre de mi Sangre        Martha Naranjo Sandoval        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00

An heterogeneous collection of books inspired by Karen Lamassonne: Ruido / Noise_, a Swiss Institute retrospective exhibition focusing on her 70’ and 80’ production. This table is here to give you some hints about the context that surrounds Lamassonne’s practice. Her work is a constant transfer and translation from photographic and cinematographic languages to pictorial, and vice versa. In the 80’s Lamassonne was based in the city of Cali, Colombia, known at the time as ‘Caliwood’ due to the effervescent film production. Cali is also the city of ‘Tropical Goth,’ a surprising artistic expression where dark and high contrast aesthetics are taken to another level, eerily juxtaposed with lush scenery. Why, in a city full of light, sempiternal summer, palm trees and vivid colors, did many artists decide to use black and white as their only palette to work with? Why are vampires and bloodsuckers a theme in this part of the world? All of these scenes are manifested in Lamassone’s work through bodies—female bodies, entangled bodies, partial bodies, staged bodies—that appeal to sensuality, joy and pleasure, not only in an erotic way but, above all, are a ludic exercise of reappropiation of self representation. _Karen Lamassonne: Ruido / Noise is on view until January 8, 2023. Learn more at swissinstitute.net.

  1. Jonas Beuchert, Tilman Schlevogt and Jan Steinbach
    The Adult Women Will Sit In Front of the Men and the Children and Young Adults Will Kneel In Front of the Women
    Stuttgart, Germany: Edition Taube, 2011
  2. Kim Gordon
    Is It My Body?
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, January 2014
    Out of stock
  3. Angelblood and Rita Ackermann
    Labia Minora
    New York ; Tokyo, NY ; Japan: Printed Matter Inc., Captain Trip Records and Inc., 2003
  4. Carmen Winant
    Women Testing, 2017 [Framed Print]
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2017
  5. Carmen Winant
    Instructional Photography
    London, UK: SPBH Editions, 2021
    Out of stock
  6. Brian Kennon
    The Cindy Shermans I’d Like To Fuck
    Los Angeles, CA: B. Kennon, 2003
  7. Martha Rosler
    Service [second printing]
    New York, NY: Inc. and Printed Matter Inc., 2008
    Out of stock
  8. Francesca Woodman
    Some Disordered Interior Geometries
    Synapse Press, 1981
    Out of stock
  9. Russet Lederman and Olga Yatskevich
    What They Saw: Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843–1999
    New York, NY: 10x10 Photobooks, 2021
  10. Marcelo Arroyave
    Magazin Sursystem 3R
    Cali, Colombia: A. Arroyave, 2021
  11. Apichatpong Weerasethakul
    Fireflies Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  12. Erin Sheehy
    Facility Magazine
    Brooklyn, NY: Facility Magazine, 2021
    Out of stock
  13. Carolee Schneemann
    Parts of a Body House Book
    Rosendale, NY: Women’s Studio Workshop, 2020
  14. Martha Naranjo Sandoval
    Sangre de mi Sangre
    Brooklyn/Mexico City, NY/Mexico: Matarile Ediciones, 2021
    Out of stock
  15. Claudia de la Torre
    Topo Graphic
    Berlin, Germany: backbonebooks, 2018
  16. José Celestino Mutis
    José Celestino Mutis: A Botanical Expedition
    La Fábrica
  17. Oscar Muñoz
    Hirmer Publishers, 2021
  18. Herikita
    Nos estan matando
    Calipso Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  19. Adriana Lozano
    Verano Yakuza
    Cali, Colombia: Calipso Press, 2020
Last updated 9/27/2022