Source Books on Artists' Publications

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  • On Things as Ideas        Robert Stadler and Alexis Vaillant        Books / Artists’ Writings        $25.00
  • The Century of Artists’ Books        Johanna Drucker        Books        $29.00
  • Tears In Lucerne        Dieter Roth        Books        $29.00
  • Bill Viola : Reasons For Knocking at an Empty House : Writings 1973-1994        Bill Viola        Audio & Video / Artists’ Writings        $33.00
  • Working Conditions        Hans Haacke        Books / Artists’ Writings        $34.00
  • Two-Way Mirror Power : Selected Writings by Dan Graham on His Art        Dan Graham        Books / Artists’ Writings        $45.00
  • The Aids Crisis is Ridiculous and Other Writings, 1986-2003        Gregg Bordowitz        Books / Artists’ Writings        $20.00
  • Publishing As Artistic Practice        Annette Gilbert        Books / Monographs        $27.00
  • Language To Cover A Page : The Early Writings of Vito Acconci        Craig Dworkin and Vito Acconci         / Artists’ Writings        $37.00
  • Some Forms of Availability : Critical Passages on The Book and Publication        Simon Cutts        Books        $25.00
  • Flows and Counterflows        Marcus Verhagen        Books / Monographs        $25.00
  • Cuts : Texts 1959 - 2004        Carl Andre         / Artists’ Writings        $53.00
  1. Robert Stadler and Alexis Vaillant
    On Things as Ideas
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  2. Johanna Drucker
    The Century of Artists’ Books
    New York, NY: Inc. and Granary Books, 2004
    Out of stock
  3. Dieter Roth
    Tears In Lucerne
    Poschiavo, Switzerland: Edizioni Periferia, 2010
    Out of stock
  4. Bill Viola
    Bill Viola : Reasons For Knocking at an Empty House : Writings 1973-1994
    Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2002
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  5. Hans Haacke
    Working Conditions
    Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2016
    Out of stock
  6. Dan Graham
    Two-Way Mirror Power : Selected Writings by Dan Graham on His Art
    Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999
    unknown size
    Out of stock
  7. Gregg Bordowitz
    The Aids Crisis is Ridiculous and Other Writings, 1986-2003
    Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2004
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  8. Annette Gilbert
    Publishing As Artistic Practice
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, March 2016
    Out of stock
  9. Craig Dworkin and Vito Acconci
    Language To Cover A Page : The Early Writings of Vito Acconci
    Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2006
    Out of stock
  10. Simon Cutts
    Some Forms of Availability : Critical Passages on The Book and Publication
    New York and Cromwell, NY and United Kingdom: Granary Books and RGAP, 2007
    Out of stock
  11. Marcus Verhagen
    Flows and Counterflows
    Berlin, Germany: Sternberg Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  12. Carl Andre
    Cuts : Texts 1959 - 2004
    Cambridge, MA: MIT press, 2004
    size unknown
    Out of stock
Last updated 9/13/2017