To The Streets Window Installation

November 7 - 25, 2020

This installation is an expanded look into the fanzine To the Streets, a compilation of illustrated works by eight artists: Ailadi, Carmen Pizarro, Kana Philip, Gabriel Ebensperger, Catalina Bu, Matias Prado, Jana Traboulsi, and Rufina Bazlova. They are from five different parts of the world: Chile, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Belarus, and New York. All places where protesters have taken the streets. The publication aims to take a look at this global movement and communicate to each other, and to the world, that you (we) are not alone.

The installation, designed by Maria P. Vila, utilizes artwork from the zine along with broader contextualization of what is happening in each respective country.

Curated by Antoineta Landa of AL Works -

Click here to view individual prints available for purchase

70% of profits from sales of To The Streets and individual prints will be donated to Amnesty International’s fund to protect protestors’ rights worldwide.
