Misaki Kawai Takeover

May 12 - June 20, 2021

From May 12th through June 20th, Printed Matter / St Marks will host a takeover by Misaki Kawai. The store will have several of Kawai’s pettable, combable sculptures with Emoji-like faces, including some recent works from her solo exhibition at The Hole, Moko Moko Doki Doki. Other works include two paintings, a Lion Bench and several of her Arty Dolls. The takeover is organized in collaboration with The Hole.

Misaki Kawai shares open and inviting works with the public to build connection through art. Her giant sculptures have rudimentary faces like emojis and are rated G, all ages. The paintings circulate faces and text to show the rudimentary building blocks of the world, “chu” (kiss), “suki” (like), “peko peko” (hungry), “pero pero” (licking), “kuru kuru” (spinning). Using mimetic word pairings Kawai creates a zone of creative play; bold, colorful and immersive.

On this occasion we are also pleased to launch Kawai’s latest book MOKO MOKO DOKI DOKI, available in five different (fuzzy) colors produced in a limited edition of 18 per color.
