3 New Zines by Ivy Zheyu Chen — Sidewalk Launch!

at Printed Matter / St Marks
September 24, 2022
3PM - 5PM

Ivy Zheyu Chen has three brand new zines—Greatest Love of All, Ad Jingle, and Another Swatch—launching Saturday, September 24th at Printed Matter / St Marks. We’ll be outside the storefront with zines, prints, and music!

About the zines:

Greatest Love of All: “If someone throws me this question “what’s the greatest love of all?” I would’ve never thought of “self-love”. But why not? Isn’t it a duty to love ourselves first, then the others? Just like in case of an airplane emergency, put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then onto the children - no matter how much you love them.

This Whitney Houston song touches so many qualities of life: courage, determination, self-love, and strength - truly a song with the power to lift you when you’re doomed down. In my opinion, it’s a gem of this world that’ll last forever.”

Ad Jingle: “First time I heard the jingle for “O’Reiley Auto Parts” - melodic, jazzy with a little extra oomph - I was hooked. The same thing happened with “Liberty~Liberty~Liberty Liberty~”, the military marching tunes seem unnecessary, yet so catchy.

These took me on a journey of recapping all the ad jingles I’ve heard throughout the years of road trip motel TVs & Youtube/ Spotify ads. Once it gets ya, the next thing you know is singing along whenever it comes up. There’s just no way around it.”

Ivy Zheyu Chen creates work displaying the chemistry between the word and image. You can check out more of her work available at Printed Matter here.

  1. Ivy Zheyu Chen
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    Out of stock
  2. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    2 by 3 (does brutal)
    Brooklyn, New York: UPON, 2021
  3. Ivy Zheyu Chen
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    Brooklyn, New York: UPON, 2021
    Out of stock
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  15. Ivy Zheyu Chen
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    Brooklyn, New York: UPON, 2017
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  19. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    Brooklyn, NY: UPON, 2018
    Out of stock
  20. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    Brooklyn, NY: UPON, 2019
  21. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    Brooklyn, NY: UPON, 2018
    Out of stock
  22. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    Brooklyn, NY: UPON, 2018
    Out of stock
  23. Ivy Zheyu Chen
    Graphic of Cuteness E.2
    Brooklyn, New York: UPON, 2021
    Out of stock