I’d Like to Walk Around in Your Mind

Staff Picks Spring 2023
March 30 - April 16, 2023

I’d Like to Walk Around in Your Mind presents a selection of Printed Matter staff picks. Featuring current staff favorites, several arranged in thematic groupings, paired with a personal object from each PM staff member.

Browse the selected titles and staff write-ups here.

Featuring selections by:
Max Schumann, Executive Director
Krista Manrique, Deputy Director / Director of Development
Sonel Breslav, Director of Fairs & Editions
Sunny Iyer, Fairs & Editions Coordinator
sgp, Fairs Assistant
Keith Gray, Programming Manager
Hannah Marshall, Programming & Development Coordinator / Designer
Ann Restak, Finance & HR Manager
Lizzie Smith, Operations Manager
Craig Mathis, Bookstore & Distribution Manager
Travis Kent, Bibliographer & Inventory Manager
Greg Pavek, Order Fulfillment Coordinator
Bryan DelValle, Order Fulfillment Coordinator
Savannah Hawk, Sales Associate
Leila Louhaichy, Sales & Order Fulfillment Assistant
Emmett Pinsky, Bookstore Manager, Printed Matter / St Marks
Eva Parra, Associate Bookstore Manager, Printed Matter / St Marks
