A Book About Colab (and Related Activities) — Book Launch for Second Printing

May 30, 2024

Join us at Printed Matter / St Marks for an event to launch the second printing of A Book About Colab (and Related Activities), edited by former Printed Matter Director Max Schumann. The expansive project traces the output of Collaborative Projects Inc (aka Colab), the loose and highly energetic gathering of young New York artists active downtown from the late 1970s - mid 1980s.

Advocating a form of cultural activism that was purely artist-driven, the group brought a democratic “by and for artists” ethos to creating artworks, curating shows and engaging in discourse that responded to the political themes of its time: the recessions of the 1970’s, Reagan-era budget cuts and nuclear armament, the housing crisis and gentrification in New York City, and other pressing social issues.

Read more about the book.
