Trapper Keeper 4 & PRECOG 2

Double book launch
September 23, 2016

Join us for a double launch of two new publications, Trapper Keeper 4, a publication edited by Panayiotis Terzis, and Precog 2, edited by Florencia Escudero and Gaby Collins-Fernandez. The launch event will include a DJ set from Stephen Decker.

Trapper Keeper is a semi-annual sci fi/futurist publication informed by where we as a species have arrived in time and where we are going. It is undeniable that humanity is now under a toxic combination of pressures and may be reaching a critical turning point. Each issue of TK serves as a platform for extreme visions of our possible futures by a curated selection of high caliber artists.

For the fourth issue of Trapper Keeper, sixteen artists explore the theme of FUTURE SEX. How will the current churning storm of rapid and tumultuous technological, social, cultural and ecological change morph and twist one of our most ancient and primal impulses in the next century or centuries?

Featuring works by: Lala Albert Robert Beatty Brubaker Caroline Chandler Chris Day Char Esme Florencia Escudero Xela Flactem Aisha Franz HOPE Yuriko Katori Matt Lock Ben Mendelewicz Theo Michael Brenna Murphy Leon Sadler and Panayiotis Terzis

Published by Mega Press. Cover design by Lala Albert. Printed in an edition of 300.

**PRECOGMAG** is a independent magazine that explores science, technology, techno plastics, cyber culture and feminism.

It seems almost impossible to parse the space between image and identity, between the field in which we operate and the autonomous gestures we put forth. It is certainly impossible to navigate this world without feeling self-conscious of self-image, self-imaging, and what image of us exists in the minds of others. Just as in digital space, where images and information bleed between windows, the tactile world extends in textures. On the one hand, anything visual is automatically read as signage, the terms by which a body affiliates/individuates from clusters of people, trends, concepts. On the other, our sensory, receptive capacities tend toward the kaleidoscopic and expansive, toward what we don’t already know as categorizable.

We were interested in talking about the body as the site for both these negotiations. The body is at once a surface—a world-texture and part of the image-continuum— and an actor able to manipulate meanings and recontextualize representation. We were directed by an understanding of the body and phenomenological experience as the site where the baggage of history and stereotypes comes up against present-tense creative intelligence.

Precog was born among friends and from conversations. One center in our discussions was the metaphor of the cyborg which, as articulated by Donna Haraway, is able to respond to the structural conditions which create it—capitalism, technology,
militarization, patriarchy, humanism—without justifying their existence. The cyborg can treat its history as the material for remaking the world from the desirable usable fragments which are available, without relying on played-out distinctions between the natural and the artificial, the technological and the real, fiction/fabrication and life.

Precog 1 and 2 feature works by:

Florencia Escudero
Gaby Collins-Fernandez
Faina Kore
Drea Cofield,
Marcela Florido
Constanza Alarcón Tennen
Stephen Decker
Panayiotis Terzis
Kimberly Kruge     
Catherine Telford-Keogh
Leah Guadagnoli
Gyan Shrosbree
Pao Houa Her      
Jung Hee Mun
Mariana Garibay Raeke
Shahrzad Changalvaee
Cristobal Cea
Randi Shandroski
Amy Rinaldi
Julia Bland
Benjamin Mintzer      