[Untitled / Nudes] consists of ten images, one each by ten artists selected by Clark, including Donald Baechler, Cecily Brown, Clark, Ralph Gibson, Terence Koh, Zoe Leonard, Paul McCarthy, Albert Oehlen, Thomas Ruff, and Betty Tompkins as well as a work by Clark himself.
[Untitled / Nudes] is the fifth Printed Matter benefit photography portfolio, each curated and organized around a particular theme: portraits, landscapes, stills, New York photographs, and now nudes. Larry Clark, in a characteristically iconoclastic gesture, has turned the traditionally demure category of nudes on its head. The graphic sexual images in the portfolio resonate with Clark’s unsentimental treatment of sex and sexuality throughout his career while remaining firmly grounded in the practices of each contributing artist.
Of the ten images in the portfolio, one is a monoprint (Brown), five are color (Baechler, Koh, McCarthy, Oehlen and Ruff), and four are black-and-white prints (Clark, Gibson, Leonard, and Tompkins). All of the images are 20 x 24 inches - except work by Koh which consists of seven individual 3 x 4 inch prints housed within its own custom box - and have been produced in an edition of twenty-five, with ten artist’s proofs and five publisher proofs.
Images from the portfolio are not be offered individually.