Untitled (March on Washington 9/24/05, Coffins, Xray) is a Fundraising Edition produced in 2007 by Josephine Meckseper. Meckseper’s photograph, shot through with the orange aura of a leaking camera, captures a 2005 anti-war march in Washington, D.C. Demonstrators carry symbolic coffins wrapped in American flags, away from the camera. The work is a digital C-print, measuring 18 x 14 inches.
Josephine Meckseper (b. 1964 in Lilienthal, Germany) uses commercial forms of display, such as window displays and magazines, to illustrate the sociological influences of consumer culture. Meckseper approaches her work as an experiment, which exposes and conceals signifiers, such as political symbols and advertisements. Her work has been shown internationally, including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Nottingham Contemporary, Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art, and the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, among many others.