We have never claimed to be infallible. There have been misunderstandings along the way, and it has not always gone as expected. Otherwise, the magazine would certainly look different, and we would sit somewhere else and reap the fruits of our efforts.
But this time it’s gone wrong!
We have collected as many errors as possible in the new number of Pist Protta, No. 82, to get all the accidents in the forefront and hopes that the strategy will be more successful than the usual effort to make everything as real as possible . In art, it’s like the wrong one is more interesting than the perfect one, but in order for it to be a mistake, one must also work with that which is flawless. It is a
necessary contradiction so that the errors can be perceived as error. Obviously, we aim for the new number to contribute an interesting discussion about the relationship between the complete and the inadequate.
At the same time, it is also a tribute to book printing, as many of the errors are typical of the work process when printing a printed publication, from editing, graphical
layout, printing to binding. It can be anything from pages facing upside down, pages that are repeated or incorrectly placed, misprinted images, moiré, aberration, etc., for color errors, fading, bad cropping, etc. After more than 35 years of book publishing experience We are aware of a lot of interesting mistakes, many more than we can mention here.
In this number we have worked closely with five guest artists, Johan Rosenmunthe, Rune Bering,
Kristian B. Johansson and Litten Nystrøm / Linus Lohmann, as well as various printers and bookmakers to install a number of errors and elevate them to an artistic expression so We do not see the mistakes as annoying
elements that threaten to weaken or steal the attention of the content, but see them as artistic grips that work in their own right. And, hopefully, both the intended as well as the unintentional mistakes apply.
By mistake, we have given the new Pist Protta a wrong number, so we have
jumped number 81, so PP81 so far does not exist. - The editors
Jesper Rasmussen
Terry Atkinson
Frans Jacobi
Jesper Fabricius
Steen Møller Rasmussen
Rune Bering
Rasmus Balthazar Munk
Johan Rosenmunthe
Litten Nystrøm
Linus Lohmann
Morten Kamper Jacobsen
Åse Eg Jørgensen
Kristian B Johansson