History, the old wound

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  • Tanam Press Black and White Poster        Peter D'Agostino        Posters        $100.00
  • Dead People Whispering to Us        Israel Martínez        Books / Artists’ Writings        $18.00
  • Wedge        Phil Mariani and Brian Wallis, Kathy Acker, John Fekner, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Gary Indiana, Reese Williams, Sarah Charlesworth, Nan Becker, Candace Hill Montgomery, Matthew Geller, Roberta Allen, Silvia Kolbowski and Richard Milazzo        Books        $50.00
  • Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network        Howie Chen        Books / Monographs        $30.00
  • Mari Rapicavoli: A Cielo Aperto        Soyoung Yoon        Books / Catalogs        $7.00
  • My Mother’s Dream / My Dream        Erla S. Haraldsdóttir        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Refugee Heritage        Alessandro Petti and Sandi Hilal        Books / Monographs        $59.00
  • Headmaster        Jason Tranchida and Matthew Lawrence        Periodicals        $20.00
  • Can the Subaltern Speak?: Two Works Series Volume 1        Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak        Books / Monographs        $18.00
  • WE ARE STILL HERE: A Digital Scrapbook of Asian Resilience        Gabrielle Widjaja (Gentle Oriental)        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Clio History        Theresa Hak Kyung Cha        Books        $10.00
  • Hunters Follow Harpy Shadows        Rin Kim        Books / Artists’ Books        $25.00
  • Best! Letters from Asian Americans in the arts        Daisy Nam and Christopher K. Ho        Books / Monographs        $23.00

“Why resurrect it all now. From the Past. History, the old wound. The past emotions all over again. To confess to relive the same folly. To name it now so as not to repeat history in oblivion. To extract each fragment by each fragment from the word from the image another word another image the reply that will not repeat history in oblivion.” A curated selection of publications made in conjunction with our window installation on Korean American artist Theresa Hak Kyung Cha (1951—1982).

  1. Daisy Nam and Christopher K. Ho
    Best! Letters from Asian Americans in the arts
    Brooklyn, NY: Paper Monument, 2021
  2. Howie Chen
    Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2021
    Out of stock
  3. Peter D'Agostino
    Tanam Press Black and White Poster
    New York, NY: Tanam Press, 2013
  4. Israel Martínez
    Dead People Whispering to Us
    Berlin, Germany: Errant Bodies Press, 2022
    Out of stock
  5. Phil Mariani and Brian Wallis, Kathy Acker, John Fekner, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Gary Indiana, Reese Williams, Sarah Charlesworth, Nan Becker, Candace Hill Montgomery, Matthew Geller, Roberta Allen, Silvia Kolbowski and Richard Milazzo
    New York, NY: Wedge Press, 1983
    size unknown
  6. Soyoung Yoon
    Mari Rapicavoli: A Cielo Aperto
    New York, NY: International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP), 2014
  7. Erla S. Haraldsdóttir
    My Mother’s Dream / My Dream
    Stockholm, Sweden: Arvinus + Orfeus Publishing, 2022
    Out of stock
  8. Alessandro Petti and Sandi Hilal
    Refugee Heritage
    Art & Theory Publishing, 2021
    Out of stock
  9. Jason Tranchida and Matthew Lawrence
    Providence, RI: Headmaster, 2014
  10. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
    Can the Subaltern Speak?: Two Works Series Volume 1
    Cologne, Germany: Buchhandlung Walther König and Afterall, 2021
    Out of stock
  11. Gabrielle Widjaja (Gentle Oriental)
    WE ARE STILL HERE: A Digital Scrapbook of Asian Resilience
    Brooklyn, NY: G. Widjaja (Gentle Oriental), 2021
    Out of stock
  12. Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
    Clio History
    New York, NY: Inc. and Wedge Press, 1982
    [size unknown]
    Out of stock
  13. Rin Kim
    Hunters Follow Harpy Shadows
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2021
Last updated 4/26/2022