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  • Lemmy’s Gift        Imin Yeh        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • Spatial Geometries        Karen Wirth        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Boundless        David Stairs        Books / Small Books        $15.00
  • SECRETO        María P. Vila        Books / Artists’ Books        $60.00
  • GRRR        Guillermo Deisler        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Mise en Bouche        Tristian Pernet        Books / Artists’ Books        $17.00
  • Quick Crossword Nº13,692 Vol 11        Martin La Roche Contreras        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Instructions to draw your walk        Sofía Garrido        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Flip ‘n Flop        Bella Kuhn and Jackson Kramer        Books / Artists’ Books        $27.00
  • Artist Publishers Reflect on Book Waste        Emily Larned, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Sarah Nicholls, Gato Negro Ediciones, Paul John, George Weitor and Karin DeJong        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Steamy Buns        Misaki Kawai        Books / Artists’ Books        $120.00
  • Voices        Oswaldo García        Books / Artists’ Books        $150.00
  • Little Stories        Abigail Cárdenas        Books / Zines        $3.00
  • Open Syllables: Paths, Dangers, Qualities        Linda Zeb Hang / WAY WZA        Books / Artists’ Books        $100.00
  • Martha’s Quarterly        Tammy Nguyen, Lê Thuận Uyên and Anaïs Duplan        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Martha’s Quarterly        Tammy Nguyen, Nicholas Cerone, Drea Cofield, Eban Goodstein and Irene Gardner        Books / Zines        $20.00
  • It : A Poem / Play / Installation        Coco Gordon        Books / Signed        $125.00
  • 75 Plant Jokes        Barbara Rosenthal        Books / Artists’ Books        $485.00
  • Loom Book        Yuchen Chang        Books / Artists’ Books        $50.00
  • Book Book / 书书 [Fourth Edition, English Version]        Yuchen Chang and Myungah Hyon        Books / Artists’ Books        $28.00

Handmade books, books that experiment with form, books about making books…

  1. Imin Yeh
    Lemmy’s Gift
    Pittsburgh, United States: E.L. Hymns (Paul Mullins), 2021
    Out of stock
  2. Karen Wirth
    Spatial Geometries
    Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop, 1991
  3. David Stairs
    San Francisco, CA: D. Stairs, 1983 & 1990
    size unknown
  4. María P. Vila
    Santiago, Chile: Naranja Publicaciones, 2022
  5. Guillermo Deisler
    Santiago, Chile: Naranja Publicaciones, 2019
    Out of stock
  6. Tristian Pernet
    Mise en Bouche
    Paris, France: Quintal Editions, 2019
    Out of stock
  7. Martin La Roche Contreras
    Quick Crossword Nº13,692 Vol 11
    Santiago, Chile: Naranja Publicaciones, 2020
  8. Sofía Garrido
    Instructions to draw your walk
    Santiago, Chile: Naranja Publicaciones, 2020
    Out of stock
  9. Bella Kuhn and Jackson Kramer
    Flip ‘n Flop
    Philadelphia, PA: Who Press'd Press, 2022
    Out of stock
  10. Emily Larned, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Sarah Nicholls, Gato Negro Ediciones, Paul John, George Weitor and Karin DeJong
    Artist Publishers Reflect on Book Waste
    Chicago, United States: Half Letter Press, 2022
  11. Misaki Kawai
    Steamy Buns
    Taipei, Taiwan: nos:books, 2020
  12. Oswaldo García
    New York, NY: O. García, 2021
  13. Abigail Cárdenas
    Little Stories
    Querétaro, Mexico: Gold Rain, 2018
  14. Linda Zeb Hang / WAY WZA
    Open Syllables: Paths, Dangers, Qualities
    New York, NY: FIST, 2019
  15. Tammy Nguyen, Lê Thuận Uyên and Anaïs Duplan
    Martha’s Quarterly
    NY, New York: Passenger Pigeon Press, 2020
    Out of stock
  16. Tammy Nguyen, Nicholas Cerone, Drea Cofield, Eban Goodstein and Irene Gardner
    Martha’s Quarterly
    New York, NY: Passenger Pigeon Press, 2019
    Out of stock
  17. Coco Gordon
    It : A Poem / Play / Installation
    New York, NY: W Space Press, 1987
    size unknown
  18. Barbara Rosenthal
    75 Plant Jokes
    New York, NY:, 2018
  19. Yuchen Chang
    Loom Book
    Queens, United States: Yuchen Chang, 2022
    Out of stock
  20. Yuchen Chang and Myungah Hyon
    Book Book / 书书 [Fourth Edition, English Version]
    Beijing, China: DREAMER FTY, 2022
    Out of stock
Last updated 11/26/2022