DIMENSIONS - Secret Riso - Exhibiting Artist Table

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  • Kindness        Gonzalo Guerrero        Posters / Prints        $35.00
  • 1PX/4KM        Jaime Sebastian Vera        Books / Artists’ Books        $26.00
  • Somewhere/Elsewhere        Rhea Karam        Books / Artists’ Books        $85.00
  • Leave the Bones in a Better Place        Mora Alexandru        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Late to the Party        Maria Aucejo        Books / Artists’ Books        $34.00
  • User’s guide to (demanding) the impossible        microutopías | Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination        Books        $15.00
  • Against Artsploitation Unionizing the New Museum        Dana Kopel        Books / Zines        $24.00
  • dreamcabin        Imin Yeh        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • How to Book        Hanson Coleman and Hannah Pierce        Books / Source Books        $15.00
  • calling / 부름        Gi (Ginny) Huo        Books / Artists’ Books        $35.00
  • La poesía es la poesía (Poetry is poetry)        Clemente Padín        Books        $20.00
  • Griot Americana vol 1.        Ace West        Books / Zines        $17.00
  • Martyrs [Second Edition]        Grant Gasser        Books / Zines        $20.00
  • A Cyberarchaeology of Checkpoints        Ruby Thelot        Books        $35.00
  • Queer and Mumbling Fragments of Philosophical Faggotry [Second Edition]        Yvonne LeBien        Books / Artists’ Writings        $20.00
  • Imperfect Archiving, Archiving as Practice For a Love of Softness [Fourth Edition]        Be Oakley        Books / Artists’ Books        $24.00
  • Her Pichers : The Life and Work of Gert Van Houten        Drew Damron        Books / Zines        $5.00
  • Jacobsville        Sarah Darnell        Books / Small Books        $6.00
  • Beautiful Gestures        Gonzalo Guerrero        Posters / Prints        $35.00
  • En defensa de la colectividad y libertad artística        microutopías | Lumbung of Publishers        Books        $10.00
  • How Can We Regain Our Trust in the Internet        Emily Chao        Books / Zines        $12.00
  • Drink Me        Tal Milovina        Books / Artists’ Writings        $13.00
  • Christ’s Cunt [First Edition]        Yvonne LeBien        Books / Artists’ Writings        $22.00
  • True Art        Alex Schubert        Books / Artists’ Books        $6.00
  • Torre Naranja        LUCE        Books        $35.00
  • Black Joy Archive v.ii        Zoë Pulley        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • surfacing:        Zoë Pulley        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • Queer and Mumbling Fragments of Philosophical Faggotry [First Edition]        Yvonne LeBien        Books / Artists’ Writings        $24.00
  • Boredom: An Anti-Capital-ist Tool [First Edition]        Be Oakley        Books / Artists’ Writings        $22.00
  • Wild Place        Daniel Rampulla        Books / Artists’ Books        $30.00
  • Black Joy Archive v.ii        Zoë Pulley        Books / Artists’ Books        $75.00

Select titles from participating artists’ and publishers featured in Dimensions – an exhibition organized by Secret Riso Club.

About the exhibition:

As a small publisher and as artists, we take on a wide range of roles. We have the privilege and responsibility to be everything — admin, personal caretaker, physical laborer, artist. While this can often feel like an endless juggling of tasks and responsibilities, the dance in and of itself informs the process. The tangible-intangible aspects, links and networks that build our practices seemingly live in discrete realms (dimensions) but in reality they are inseparable. They mix, overlap and weave a complex, dynamic network.

This exercise explores the individual experiences of a variety of artists’ practices within the independent publishing field with the intention of identifying the interacting facets of our collective work. How do independent publishers and artists spend their hours and days? What are the connections, resources, research, reflection, and administrative labor that shape and form the body of work? Through conversation and interviews with others in the field, “Dimensions” aims to make these invisible aspects of our practice visible; the relationships between the internal and external world, the personal and mental space, the processes, the growth, the priorities and daily life.


  1. Gonzalo Guerrero
    New York, NY: Secret Riso Club
    Out of stock
  2. Jaime Sebastian Vera
    Valencia, Spain: Handshake, 2022
  3. Rhea Karam
    Brooklyn, United States: Small Editions, 2023
  4. Mora Alexandru
    Leave the Bones in a Better Place
    Berlin, Germany: Bruise Studio, 2022
  5. Maria Aucejo
    Late to the Party
    Valencia, Spain: Handshake, 2020
    Out of stock
  6. microutopías | Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination
    User’s guide to (demanding) the impossible
    Montevideo, Uruguay: Microutopías, 2020
  7. Dana Kopel
    Against Artsploitation Unionizing the New Museum
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2022
  8. Imin Yeh
    Brooklyn, NY: Small Editions and E.L. Hymns (Paul Mullins), 2022
  9. Hanson Coleman and Hannah Pierce
    How to Book
    Brooklyn, NY: Small Editions, 2020
    Out of stock
  10. Gi (Ginny) Huo
    calling / 부름
    Brooklyn, NY: Small Editions, 2022
    Out of stock
  11. Clemente Padín
    La poesía es la poesía (Poetry is poetry)
    Montevideo, Uruguah: Microutopías, 2022
  12. Ace West
    Griot Americana vol 1.
    Oakland, United States: Irrelevant Press, 2023
  13. Grant Gasser
    Martyrs [Second Edition]
    Brooklyn, NY: Irrelevant Press, 2023
  14. Ruby Thelot
    A Cyberarchaeology of Checkpoints
    Brooklyn, NY: Irrelevant Press, 2023
    Out of stock
  15. Yvonne LeBien
    Queer and Mumbling Fragments of Philosophical Faggotry [Second Edition]
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2022
    Out of stock
  16. Be Oakley
    Imperfect Archiving, Archiving as Practice For a Love of Softness [Fourth Edition]
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2021
    Out of stock
  17. Drew Damron
    Her Pichers : The Life and Work of Gert Van Houten
    Grand Rapids, MI: Issue Press, 2015
  18. Sarah Darnell
    New York, NY: Issue Press, 2012
    Out of stock
  19. Gonzalo Guerrero
    Beautiful Gestures
    Ridgewood, Queens: Secret Riso Club, 2021
    Out of stock
  20. microutopías | Lumbung of Publishers
    En defensa de la colectividad y libertad artística
    Montevideo, Uruguay: Microutopías, 2022
    Out of stock
  21. Emily Chao
    How Can We Regain Our Trust in the Internet
    Brooklyn, NY: Irrelevant Press, 2022
    Out of stock
  22. Tal Milovina
    Drink Me
    Brooklyn, NY: Irrelevant Press, 2023
  23. Yvonne LeBien
    Christ’s Cunt [First Edition]
    Queens, NY: GenderFail Press, 2023
  24. Alex Schubert
    True Art
    Grand Rapids, MI: Issue Press, 2013
  25. LUCE
    Torre Naranja
    Valencia, Spain: Handshake, 2022
  26. Zoë Pulley
    Black Joy Archive v.ii
    Providence, RI: Mixam, 2022
    Out of stock
  27. Zoë Pulley
    Z. Pulley, 2023
    Out of stock
  28. Yvonne LeBien
    Queer and Mumbling Fragments of Philosophical Faggotry [First Edition]
    Brooklyn, NY: GenderFail Press, 2022
  29. Be Oakley
    Boredom: An Anti-Capital-ist Tool [First Edition]
    Queens, NY: GenderFail Press, 2023
  30. Daniel Rampulla
    Wild Place
    Valencia, Spain: Handshake, 2023
    Out of stock
  31. Zoë Pulley
    Black Joy Archive v.ii
    Brooklyn, NY: Secret Riso Club, 2022
    Out of stock
Last updated 12/8/2023