Holiday Gift Guide - Queer

by CraigM PM

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  • Fierce Pussy        Fierce Pussy        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • 2016 ZINE        Jeffrey Cheung        Books / Zines        $5.00
  • Cave Homo        Luke Williams, editor        Books / Artists’ Books        $40.00
  • JD Samson        Eloisa Aquino        Books / Small Books        $6.00
  • Reference        Tom of Finland        Books / Zines        $10.00
  • Pansy Beat Box Set        Michael Economy        Books / Zines        $75.00
  • HOMOCATS: Modern Problems        J. Morrison        Books / Zines        $15.00
  • Exquisite Corps        Philip Iosca        Books / Artists’ Books        $15.00
  • MacArthur Park        Andrew Durbin, editor        Books / Artists’ Writings        $15.00
  • Girls Like Us        Jessica Gysel        Periodicals        $12.00
  • Inferno        Kyle Quinn        Books / Zines        $20.00
  • Men Look at Me Strangely        Michael Wynne        Books / Zines        $18.00
  • One AIDS Death Every 30 Minutes        ACT UP        Posters        $30.00
  • Not Here: A Queer Anthology of Loneliness        Richard Porter        Books / Artists’ Books        $16.00
  • Jimmy Wright NYC Toilet Series 1974        Jimmy Wright, Alissa Bennett and Alison Gingeras        Books / Artists’ Books        $5.00
  • Queer Zines Box Set, Volumes 1 & 2        Philip Aarons and AA Bronson        Books / Artists’ Books        $45.00
  • Luke (Madrid)        Michael Wynne        Books / Artists’ Books        $8.00

History, H(er)story, trans, future gender and beyond. Inspirational, introspective, cute or commanding; the wealth of publications here provides a rich and rewarding print experience to be championed by all.

  1. Jimmy Wright, Alissa Bennett and Alison Gingeras
    Jimmy Wright NYC Toilet Series 1974
    New York, NY: Billy Miller, 2016
    Out of stock
  2. J. Morrison
    HOMOCATS: Modern Problems
    New York, NY: J. Morrison, 2016
    Out of stock
  3. Philip Iosca
    Exquisite Corps
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., May 2017
    Out of stock
  4. Philip Aarons and AA Bronson
    Queer Zines Box Set, Volumes 1 & 2
    New York, NY: Printed Matter Inc., 2014
    Out of stock
  5. Jeffrey Cheung
    2016 ZINE
    Oakland, CA: Unity Press, 2016
    Out of stock
  6. Michael Wynne
    Luke (Madrid)
    London, UK: Kiss and Tell Press, 2017
  7. Richard Porter
    Not Here: A Queer Anthology of Loneliness
    London, UK: Pilot Press, 2017
    Out of stock
  8. Andrew Durbin, editor
    MacArthur Park
    Nightboat Books, 2017
    Out of stock
  9. Jessica Gysel
    Girls Like Us
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands: J. Gysel, 2017
    Out of stock
  10. Michael Economy
    Pansy Beat Box Set
    New York, NY: M. Economy, 2017
    Out of stock
  11. ACT UP
    One AIDS Death Every 30 Minutes
    New York, NY: ACT UP, 1989
    size unknown
    Out of stock
  12. Fierce Pussy
    Fierce Pussy
    New York, NY: Inc. and Printed Matter Inc., 2008
    Out of stock
  13. Eloisa Aquino
    JD Samson
    Montreal, Canada: B&D Press, 2009
  14. Luke Williams, editor
    Cave Homo
    New York, NY: L. Williams, 2017
    Out of stock
  15. Tom of Finland
    Geneva, Switzerland: Innen, 2016
    Out of stock
  16. Kyle Quinn
    Brooklyn, NY: RAW MEAT, 2017
    Out of stock
  17. Michael Wynne
    Men Look at Me Strangely
    London, UK: Kiss and Tell Press, 2017
Last updated 12/1/2017