Featured Publisher: Primary Information

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  • REAL LIFE Magazine: Selected Writing and Projects 1979-1994        Miriam Katzeff and Thomas Lawson and Susan Morgan        Books        $30.00
  • Untitled Essay and Other Works        Allan Kaprow        Books        $10.00
  • Berlin and Phenomena        Wolf Vostell        Books        $10.00
  • Some Recent Happenings        Allan Kaprow        Books        $10.00
  • Ritual: A Book of Primitive Rites and Events        Jerome Rothenberg        Books        $10.00
  • On Onions        Elad Lassry        Books        $30.00
  • Carl Andre: Quincy        Carl Andre        Books / Artists’ Books        $20.00
  • Notebooks 1967-70        Lee Lozano        Books        $24.00
  • Do You Love Me?        Lutz Bacher        Books        $30.00
  • Avalanche        Willoughby Sharp and Liza Béar        Books        $150.00
  • The Last French-fried Potato and Other Poems        Emmett Williams        Books        $10.00
  • A Zaj Sampler        The Zaj Group of Madrid        Books        $10.00
  • Injun & Other Histories (1960)        Claes Oldenburg        Books        $10.00
  • A Look Into the Blue Tide : Part 2        Dieter Roth        Books        $10.00
  • A Filliou Sampler        Robert Filliou        Books        $10.00
  • Chance-Imagery        George Brecht        Books        $10.00
  • By Alison Knowles        Alison Knowles        Books        $10.00
  • The Twin Plays : Port-au-Prince & Adams County Illinois        Jackson Mac Low        Books        $10.00
  • Rêve Parisien        Rhys Chatham        Audio & Video / Vinyl        $20.00
  • The Art of Noise : Futurist Manifesto, 1913        Robert Filliou and Luigi Russolo        Books        $10.00
  • G.P.O. Versus G.P-O        Genesis Breyer P-Orridge        Books        $16.00
  • Rock/Music Writings        Dan Graham        Books / Artists’ Writings        $18.00
  • Manifestos        Ay-o        Books        $10.00
  • The Cursive Scandinavian        Bengt af Klintberg        Books        $10.00
  • An Anthology of Concrete Poetry        Emmett Williams        Books        $50.00
  • Cannibal        Cameron Jamie, Cary Loren and Dennis Tyfus        Audio & Video / Vinyl        $20.00
  • Chimerizations        Florian Hecker        Books        $30.00

Primary Information is a non-profit organization devoted to printing artists books, artist writings, out of print publications and editions. Primary Information was formed in 2006 by Miriam Katzeff and James Hoff to foster intergenerational dialogue through the publication of artists’ books and writings by artists—emerging, mid-career, and established. They focus primarily on early Sixties to the present, with an emphasis on the conceptual practice begun in the mid Sixties and the strategy of using publications as an extension of this practice. primaryinformation.org

  1. Rhys Chatham
    Rêve Parisien
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2011
    Out of stock
  2. Miriam Katzeff and Thomas Lawson and Susan Morgan
    REAL LIFE Magazine: Selected Writing and Projects 1979-1994
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  3. Allan Kaprow
    Untitled Essay and Other Works
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  4. Wolf Vostell
    Berlin and Phenomena
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
  5. Allan Kaprow
    Some Recent Happenings
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  6. Jerome Rothenberg
    Ritual: A Book of Primitive Rites and Events
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  7. Elad Lassry
    On Onions
    New York: Primary Information, 2012
    Out of stock
  8. Robert Filliou and Luigi Russolo
    The Art of Noise : Futurist Manifesto, 1913
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  9. Carl Andre
    Carl Andre: Quincy
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2014
  10. Lee Lozano
    Notebooks 1967-70
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2009
    Out of stock
  11. Lutz Bacher
    Do You Love Me?
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2012
    Out of stock
  12. Willoughby Sharp and Liza Béar
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2010
    Out of stock
  13. Emmett Williams
    The Last French-fried Potato and Other Poems
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  14. The Zaj Group of Madrid
    A Zaj Sampler
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
  15. Genesis Breyer P-Orridge
    G.P.O. Versus G.P-O
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2013
    Out of stock
  16. Claes Oldenburg
    Injun & Other Histories (1960)
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
  17. Dieter Roth
    A Look Into the Blue Tide : Part 2
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
  18. Dan Graham
    Rock/Music Writings
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2009
    Out of stock
  19. Ay-o
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  20. Bengt af Klintberg
    The Cursive Scandinavian
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
  21. Emmett Williams
    An Anthology of Concrete Poetry
    New York, NY: something else press and Primary Information, 1967, Something Else Press; 2013, Primary Information
    Out of stock
  22. Cameron Jamie, Cary Loren and Dennis Tyfus
    New York, NY: Primary Information, April 2014
    Out of stock
  23. Florian Hecker
    New York: Primary Information, 2013
    Out of stock
  24. Robert Filliou
    A Filliou Sampler
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  25. George Brecht
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  26. Alison Knowles
    By Alison Knowles
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
  27. Jackson Mac Low
    The Twin Plays : Port-au-Prince & Adams County Illinois
    New York, NY: Primary Information, 2007
    Out of stock
Last updated 6/8/2016