231 11th Ave, NYC
38 St Marks Pl, NYC
Verina Gfader
Grund Risse Poster
Michalis Pichler
Books and Ideas After Seth Siegelaub
Gloria Glitzer
Semra For Life
Renate Damsch-Wiehager
Serial Formations 1967/2017: Re-staging of the First German Exhibition of International Tendencies in Minimalism
Natascha Sadr Haghighian
Was ich noch nicht erkenne, jetzt in diesem Moment / What I Do Not Recognize Yet, Now at This Very Moment
Polonca Lovsin
Back to the City
Luc Courchesne, Miroslaw Rogala, Tamas Wiliczky and Artintact
Artintact 2
Ilit Azoulay
Shifting Degrees
Anita Di Bianco
Corrections and Clarifications
Corrections and Clarifications: June 2020 - October 2021
Heidi Brunnschweiler and Laura Horelli
Changes in Direction – A Journal
Ipek Burcak
Hella Gerlach
Gelenkstellen – Loose Joints
Susanne Huth
Trockenheft / Drying Book
Ruth Höflich, Maria Benjamin and and Miriam Schiran
No. 3 (Dracula Roezlii)
Annette Knol
Auto Body Emotives
Colin Lang, editor and Nadja Abt, editor
Texte Zur Kunst
No. 113 (March 2019)
Paul Scherbart and Olaf Nicolai